Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Renaissance Italian City Of Italy - 976 Words

Raphael was born in the Renaissance Italian city-state of Urbino in central Italy. Urbino was said to be one of the cultural centers of Italy, a place where artists went to be successful. His father, Giovanni, was a painter and poet for the local Duke. As at a young age, Raphael started leaning basics of painting from his father. His father died when he was 11 years old. Even after the death of his father, Raphael never gave up on art. Working out of his father’s workshop, he improved his artistic skills. He was said to be the most talented artist in his town as of that time. When he turned 17 he moved to Perugia a city in Italy. While in Perugia he worked with Pietro Perugino an artist that had a huge reputation in the art industry at that time. While maintaining and developing his unique style, he also leant form Perugino. In 1504 Raphael moved to Florence where we has considered a master painter. It was said that even as a master artist, it never stopped him from studying other great artist such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. He incorporated the influence of this grates artists in his work which made him one of the greatest icon of his time ( While he worked on lots of great paintings in his career I’m going to focuses on a specific one, The School of Athens and other Frescos on the wall of Stanza Della Segnatura. I chose to come back and work on this specific painting because of its unique nature. Raphael being able to put together great minds in oneShow MoreRelatedThe Italian Renaissance1228 Words   |  5 PagesThe Italian Renaissance was a time for great cultural change and achievements, which began in Italy approximately during the 13th century and lasted up until the 16th century. It marked the transition between the Dark Ages and Early Modern Europe. 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The Renaissance was a period in European history believed to have been between AD 1300 and AD 1600 with a feudal society of agricultural economy and church dominated culture. It was during the Renaissance that Europe was transformed into a society dominated by central political institutions with education, arts and music heavily influenced by the Christian religion. In Italy, cities such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice flourished. These cities were ableRead MoreCompare and Contrast Italian Renaissance Painting and Sculpture to the Northern Renaissance Painting and Sculpture1731 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Italian Renaissance to the artworks of the Renaissance in the North, you have to understand the roots of the Renaissance. Renaissance has a special meaning, referring to a period of the grand florescence of the arts in Italy du ring the 14th century and progressed and migrated, in the 15th and 16th centuries, to Northern Europe. 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These are the key questions to consider when attempting to understand why Humanism a spark to a flame for many in fourteenth century Italy. For Humanism not only brought the Renaissance to Italy, but created a whole new form of documentation, which has persevered throughout time. During the European Renaissance, knowledge was an eternal fountainRead MoreQuestions On The Renaissance And The Middle Ages1054 Words   |  5 PagesChapter 12 Assignment #1: 12.1-12.2 Terms: Renaissance, universal person, secularism, Hanseatic League, House of Medici, Castiglione. Questions (6): 1) What are some similarities and differences between the Renaissance and the Middle Ages that are mentioned in this section of the text? One major similarity between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is the lack of Classical Culture, characterized by darkness that caused the Middle Ages. Although the Renaissance was known as a â€Å"rebirth†, later historians

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Swarm Based Routing Algorithms - 1441 Words

BIOINSPIRED SWARM BASED ROUTING ALGORITHMS IN VANETs Arshpreet Kaur*, Er. Navroz Kaur Kahlon** *(Computer Engineering Department, UCOE, Punjabi University, Patiala) ** (Asst. Prof. Computer Engineering Department, Punjabi University, Patiala) (Email: *, ** Abstract-Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) play main role in the design and development of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) who improves the road safety and transportation productivity. VANETs include two communication types i.e. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Roadside (V2R) communications. One of the most important challenges of this kind of network are the timely, safely and reliable dissemination of messages between vehicular nodes which permits the drivers to take appropriate decisions to improve the road safety. There are many routing protocols for VANETs which can support the reliability and safety for routing. These protocols undergo the several limitations including complexity, lack of scalability, end-to-end delay, routing overheads, etc. To remove these limitations, various bio-inspired methodologies have been proposed for routing among vehicular nodes in an optimized way. Here in this paper, various bio-inspired routing algorithms for the VANET are di scussed. 1. INTRODUCTION A Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are considered as a specific type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) which contains the of a set of mobile nodes (Vehicles)Show MoreRelatedField Programmable Gate Array ( Fpgas )1639 Words   |  7 PagesABSTRACT: Placements of logical blocks in FPGA use many optimization algorithms in heuristic manner. Main objective is to provide minimization in wire length during the task placement inside Reconfigurable FPGAs, which will decrease the area, power and delay and increase the speed of execution. Optimization algorithms are applied in the Benchmark circuits and the results are compared. Due to the technological advancement, density of the devices increases so that necessitates improvement in minimizationRead MoreEnergy Efficient Cluster Formation Techniques1717 Words   |  7 Pagesarchitectures, protocols, algorithms and applications have been proposed and implemented for energy efficiency. The efficiency of these networks is highly dependent on routing protocols which directly affecting the network life-time. Cluster formation in sensor network is one of the most popular technique for reducing the energy consumption and expand the lifetime of the sensor network. There are various cluster form ation techniques used in wireless sensor network. In which, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)Read MoreThe Development Of Artificial Intelligence1450 Words   |  6 Pagesrecent years, there has been a growing interest in algorithms inspired by the observation of natural phenomena. We can see that all the algorithms are good replacements as method to solve complex computational problems. Various heuristic approaches have been adopted by researches including genetic algorithm (Holland 1975), simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick et al. 1983), immune system (Farmer et al. 1986), ant system (Dorigo et al. 1996) and particle swarm optimization (Kennedy and Eberhart 1995; KennedyRead MoreThe Costly Damage of Flooding1184 Words   |  5 Pagesenvironmental and water resources management. Flood routing, a basis for flood forecasting, is the process of determining progressively the timing and shape of a flood wave at successive points along a river reach. Approaches for flood routing have been based either on hydraulic (process approach) or hydrologic (conceptual or system approach). 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Zhao et al [9] in this thesis, proposed SOP (Self- organizing protocol) protocol which incorporates cluster architecture of LEACH with multihop routing to diminish transmission vitality. In numerous WSN multi-hop routing is received. This makes a node that needs to transmit data to a goal node discover one or numerous intermediate nodes. The correspondence happens among every one of the nodes until the point when the data packetsRead MoreEssay On A Wsn-Driven Service Discovery Techniques995 Words   |  4 Pageshoc networks In [49], introduced a MANET based technique that is controlled by discoveries of deployed WSNs. This technique is used to locate regions of need, discover the appropriate resources to face these needs and specify the more suitable of these resources for the issue under the process. The presented technique which is adopted for the purpose of searching and allocating the best available rescue resource for the encountered status is based on service discovery concepts. The simulationRead MoreThe Optimization Problems Of Swarm Intelligence1418 Words   |  6 Pagesoptimization problems such as Travelling Salesman Problem, Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem etc. aims at finding an optimal object from a finite set of objects. Brute force methods which include exhaustive search are not feasible for such problems. In recent years many new and interesting methods are applied for the solution of such problems. These methods such as genetic algorithms (GA), Simulated A nnealing, Tabu Search, and Neural Networks are inspired from physical and biologicalRead MoreM2M Communication System for Networked Robots with Low Memory Footprint1753 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber of nodes therefore the use of proactive routing is not preferred as it requires regular updating of routing tables. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Muted Group Theory Free Essays

Pant set us this assignment she told us that we could choose any topic at all that she has touched upon in class and we have to note our response to it. It does not need to be a theory only. I read the theories and had Initially thought that I would Like to comment on how men are forced to conform to certain stereotypes and at times have to bottle up their emotions to ensure they are accepted by the people around them. We will write a custom essay sample on Muted Group Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, 2 days before the submission date, I was casually browsing the internet when I came across the below advertisement. It aught my attention, forcing me research and reflect on it thus completely changing my topic. The ad for a Jewelry brand shows high carat diamonds and other precious stones which along with the kind of clothes that the models are wearing and the usage of English language shows that it is aimed at affluent and educated families. The ad shows the woman echoing the thought that ‘l did not choose my husband but I can choose my Jewelry. This to me dispels the notion that some of us have, which Is that only certain rural and attacked’ classes actually have limitations put on their redeem of choice. That educated people In urban areas have the luxury of being able to make the decision of the magnitude of choosing one’s life partner. Yes, It Is a luxury. No, even many of the financially rich cannot afford it at times. In my experience this luxury has little to do with finances. In fact most of the financially well-off families that I know or have heard off, have more restrictions than those that belong to middle class ‘service’ families. Most of my friends that come from high income ‘business’ families have been conditioned to do whatever they want in life, hey have the best of facilities and freedom to do whatever they want, Except choose a life partner belonging to a significantly different economic background than themselves. For some of them even the person Is chosen by the parents, not on the merits of the person, rather on his/her formally business and finances. The concept of using marriage for forming stronger business or political alliances Is not new. The marriage between McHugh emperor Kafka with the Ragout princess Soda was a marriage of alliance. My wife and I have picked out the perfect spouse for my son. They have developed a wonderful relationship together over the years, with great chemistry and warmth. She comes from a family that has identical values and priorities to ours and would make wonderful in-laws. They are both 9 years old. I (Bussing, 2011) Jeff Bussing was uses this real life incident that he came across to further talk about arranged marriages in business and specifically in entrepreneurship. Movies like Kabuki Sushi Kabul Sham (2001), Arthur (1981 and 2011), Dialed Outlandish El Cayenne (1995) etc. Have highlighted this practice over the years. Kabuki Slush Kabuki Sham showed a very wealthy family’s patriarch who was educated, well mannered, generous and a loving family man, but when the decision of his son’s marriage comes up his sentiments are that his son does not need to be Involved In the decision of his marriage. When his wife tries to suggest that the son should be consulted in this She is finally silenced with a ‘Eke day an†¦ Bas eke day’ which translates to ‘Vie said so†¦ That’s it’. No further discussion required. Arthur, the drunk heir to his family’s fortunes has every conceivable luxury available, as long as he agrees to marry a wealthy heiress of his family’s choosing. He falls in love with a ‘common working class girl’ which is unacceptable to his grandmother. She threatens to disown him from the family fortune if he does not marry the wealthy heiress she chose. Dialed Outlandish El Cayenne has the family patriarch who had fixed his daughters marriage to his friend’s son in the infancy of both the children itself. The family since moved to a different continent and the children have grown up in environments that are poles apart with no contact with each other. But when the girl finishes her higher education she is expected to accept marrying the man without even meeting him first. This is not to say the parents don’t care about their children, they care deeply. They Just assume that they know better than their children. Here the parents hold the power and act out the role of the Dominant group as per the Muted Group theory and the children form the Muted group. The Muted Group Theory (MGM) was put forward by anthropologists Shirley and Edwin Arden and was further elaborated by Cherish Kramer and others like Robe, Herring, Radii Copra etc. The dominant group does not intentionally silence the muted group; they may not even realist they are doing so till it is explicitly pointed out to them. Most Muted groups tend to try to speak, but their words fall on deaf ears. When this happens continually over a period of time, they ‘lose their voice’. Losing their voice means not Just the ability to spell out opinions. It goes deeper; they accept things as they are and to them will always be and stop thinking about it altogether. The Just quietly do what they are told to do. Another interpretation of the Muted Group Theory was put forward by Emily Hartley in her research paper titled ‘Muted Group Theory Application in the Indiana Wesleyan University Theatre Program’. (Hartley, 2012) She applied the MGM to her the universities theatre program and found that the theatre students were being ‘muted’ by the conservative institute which had strict rules about censorship. Since most plays contained some or the other ‘bad’ language they were not allowed to stage those productions. There were also several other factors that were contributing to the silencing process such as the Theatre advisory board, the faculty, the administrative and financial policies. All of this was curtailing the artistic expression of the students which can demoralize and limit intellectual growth. This is not to say that things cannot be changed. There are many ways to unmet a muted group. Some strategies that have been found to be effective are: 1. Calling out and attaching nomenclature to the methods used for silencing the muted groups. Making the dominant groups realizes that they are silencing the others. 2. Celebrating the things that others use to suppress the muted groups with. Egg: LIGHT community taking pride in their sexuality and holding parades. 3. Creating a new language that is more suitable to the muted group capable of reflecting the opinions they want to express. Egg: movies, painting, an actual language, computer mediated communication etc. How to cite Muted Group Theory, Papers